Urban Clay

in collaboration with Michalina Zadykowicz

Year: 2022

3rd prize at make me! – Lodz Design Festival

My responsibilities: research and project development, graphic design, exhibition design, video script and editing 

In this project we discuss the possibility of Vienna as a mine for anthropogenic and natural resources. Through our investigation into Vienna’s clay deposits, we discovered that vast amounts of clay are dug up during construction works, most of which find their destiny on disposal sites. Mapping Vienna’s underground clay deposits and overlaying them with planned construction work, we visualise the urban mining which is bound to happen in the upcoming years. We propose a future in which there is a system in place that allows Viennese clay to re-enter local arts, crafts and industries. Looking at the coincidental clay excavation at construction sites, from a potter’s perspective, we attempt to make first steps in material research of urban clays, their properties and usability for ceramic artists. We position ceramics as a medium to imagine a more sustainable, local future of the city.